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2021年03月25日 星期四 12:24:12

磁尾重联产生的高速喷流又称为爆发性整体流(bursty bulk flow, BBF)。BBF是磁尾最重要和常见的物理现象之一。BBF是磁尾能量和磁通量的主要输运者,承担了约90%的质量,动量和能量传输任务。重联喷流形成的BBF可以驱动电离层的极光活动以及地面的地磁脉动现象。BBF‘刹车’是触发亚暴形成亚暴电流楔的主要机制。


另一方面,BBF地向运动过程中和背景等离子体相互作用会形成的偶极化锋面(dipolarization front,DF)。相对大尺度的电流片,DF是一个小尺度的磁结构 (离子尺度)。其典型的厚度只有~1000-2000公里。偶极化锋面被认为是磁尾等离子体片内波和粒子加热/加速的重要源区。


文章链接: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2020JA028796

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the geometry of the roll-up current sheet at the DF embedded in the earthward traveling BBF GSM coordinates.
(a) Extended cross-tail current sheet
(b) Roll-up current sheet antisymmetric depression and elevation
(c) Current sheet roll-up at the DF embedded in the BBF asymmetric depression and elevation.

Figure 2. Extended evolution of the current sheet at the DF between 205843.630 and 205857.630 UT.
Black vertical lines separate the four different stages. Red vertical lines denote the twice current sheet-crossing.

Figure 3. Evaluation of the elevation angle of the current sheet at the front by MMS1 and MMS3 joint observations using Timing method
Panel (G) is cartoon of trajectory of MMS1 in the roll-up current sheet (GSM). The yellow line marks the trajectory of MMS1. The short blue line with arrow denotes the direction of the magnetic field line.


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